Mothers In Law


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  • Humor

    Mothers In Law

    Hide the smokes, hide the beer…

    Sweep the dust bunnies under the chairs.

    Now take a shower and comb your hair…

    Don’t forget to put on clean underwear.


    Wash the dishes don’t put them away…

    She’ll rearrange them within a day.

    The laundry basket piled sky high…

    She’ll make sure they're washed and dried.


    Prepare yourself for this special occasion…

    Though it may feel like a home invasion



    Honey, did I forget to mention to you

    That my mother is coming to spend a week or two.


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    TinaD commented on Mothers In Law


    You captured the spirit of an invasive mother in law. Congrats!



    TinaD I like your comment, invasive is a good word...some just don't understand the boundaries...LOL. Peace, Love and Light

    knight4696 commented on Mothers In Law


    Kanicki - lmao ... Oh ya ... I remember those days ... Two women under the same roof really do not mix! :) A funny, but truthful write! Great job! :) Ken



    Ha Ha Ken - I hope you are enjoying your freedom and peace...LOL, I agree, and too add just something about the nature of a 'Mother-In-Law' they're an interesting species are they not...LOL...? There a very find line between being protective/helpful and butting in...where they don't belong...LOL I suppose for some, they are so bored and/or have destroyed their own relationships, they can't wait to ruin another...LOL. Peace, Love and Light...Shinning Knight:)

    MootPoint commented on Mothers In Law


    LOL, this is funny. My wife doesn't like it when my mother cleans the windows. I am too happy to get her some Windex and some paper towels. I think she wants to feel useful.



    Hey Moot, you make me smile:) Would you please send your mother to my home...I'm be happy to get her some supplies too...LOL. I love it when folks are useful; it's the interferring that bugs me...Now I wouldn't mind it if someone sticks their nose in a bottle of Windex...LOL but when they stick their nose in other people's personal affairs/business...that's when I feel like cleaning the floor up with them...LOL. Peace, Love and Light.

    Worthless commented on Mothers In Law


    That is definitly funny! I don't know if they sell them anymore, maybe online somewhere. But it's mother in law in a bag and it has sayings and stuff. It's funny you should check into it and give it to your mother in law jokingly and lovingly of course. That's if she can take a joke. Some people cant or keep it in your house for her to see when she visits...



    thanks Worthful - thanks for the tip but she can't take a joke...LOL

    StandingBear commented on Mothers In Law


    Agghhh! Egads! Help! Haha! This is all too true, i'd a mother-in-law once upon a time, she was my nightmare from day 1, I never had to sleep to have a nightmare since she was around every single day. Agghhh! Haha!



    StandingBear Mothers In Law are from a different species:) Some folks get lucky and have wonderful Mothers In Law and others mays well call them out-laws:) When one weds, it becomes a package deal and some end up with In-Laws that are so unreal...many a sleepless nights:( I'm assuming you are amancipated from this nightmare?:) Well Halloween is coming up so celebrate...get all the brooms out of the closet:) and dusk off the rotten cobwebs of memories of Mothers In Law from hell:) Peace Love and Light

    Poetry is not an expression of the party line. It's that time of night, lying in bed, thinking what you really think, making the private world public, that's what the poet does.

    Allen Ginsberg (1926-1997) U.S. poet.

    Kanicki’s Poems (16)

    Title Comments
    Title Comments
    Bar Talk 41
    My Turtle Dove 22
    Poetry Princess 32
    Please Don't Do It! 30
    The Heart Knows 34
    Erection Day 38
    The Perfect Fit 41
    A Helping Hand 24
    Through The Eyes of Love 22
    Surrogate Mom 21
    Politics Lunatics 21
    Gratitude Brings Latitude 13
    Whispered Screams 22
    Y It's Yuke 13
    Mothers In Law 13
    When Autumn Comes a Calling 14