

  • DarkAngle
  • Hurt and lost why do all guys have to be the same???? Fuck I hate this!!!


Slit your wrist and you should die but your alive.You look up at me and I can see that pain in your eyes. All that suffering all that anger you've held inside. Bottled up for years on end. you cant even express the mood that your in. You never have and you are told that you have to. You sit there in question is it pain, is it anger, or is it lost of hope. You dont know and no one can tell you. For you there is no happiness only lonliness, sadness, pain, and anger. Thats all that excists in this sad lonly little world we live in. How do I become happy? What is happiness I dont believe I know!!!!

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alecs commented on Slit!!


wow. so many ppl feel like this but you can't give up.

Understanding commented on Slit!!


i know exactly what u talking about i been there before, believe me dont give up on life it gets beter trust me

caverox101 commented on Slit!!



Razor commented on Slit!!


was that directed twords razor?

Poetry is not an expression of the party line. It's that time of night, lying in bed, thinking what you really think, making the private world public, that's what the poet does.

Allen Ginsberg (1926-1997) U.S. poet.

DarkAngle’s Poems (10)

Title Comments
Title Comments
not sure yet 0
not sure yet 0
cameron 1
To the one I loved 2
cut 2
untitled 2
dweller of darkness 0
Slit Vien 1
Slit!! 4