A bight light at the end of a dark tunnel,
The dark- my comfort, my safe haven, my peace.
The light, at best...unnerving,
Yet at the same time intriguing...capturing my gaze,
Like a cryptic notion overpowering all senses,
Enthralled thought now in gridlock,
Greed consumes a thirst for knowledge,
The brilliant illumination...palpable and more enticing then before,
The light envelopes my existence,
A new found reality with evanescent curiosity,
Timid vulnerability new and exciting,
Enlightenment transubstantiation of consciousness.
The dark- my comfort, my safe haven, my peace.
The light, at best...unnerving,
Yet at the same time intriguing...capturing my gaze,
Like a cryptic notion overpowering all senses,
Enthralled thought now in gridlock,
Greed consumes a thirst for knowledge,
The brilliant illumination...palpable and more enticing then before,
The light envelopes my existence,
A new found reality with evanescent curiosity,
Timid vulnerability new and exciting,
Enlightenment transubstantiation of consciousness.
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