Whispered Screams


Poem Commentary

April is Child Abuse Awareness Month. Help do your part to prevent child abuse. Children are 20 percent of our population and 100 percent of our future. The AMA has deemed child abuse as a silent violent growing epidemic. Please protect our future. Thank You

Whispered Screams

Not a poet by any means
the opportunity of life gleans
provides us all as it seems...

From cradle to grave it redeems
joys, sorrow, the in betweens
triumphs, defeats, chasing dreams
different stages changing themes...

But to flow in one clear stream
innocence interrupted lured schemes
a predator robs self-esteem...

Silence, life's not peaches and cream
Better do what the monster deems
Clinging to life apart at the seams
Looking up at the ceiling beams

Tender flesh violated was so demeaned
To stay alive through life's extremes
All but left are haunting screams

Call upon the great supreme...
How to be forever clean...
to regain stolen childhood gleam...
Poetry defies Whispered Screams

All that's Left are Whispered Screams.....

Poem Comments


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knight4696 commented on Whispered Screams


Kanicki - Another sad tale indeed .. These predators are like rabid animals and are always on the prowl. It's even more difficult to catch the beasts thanks to the internet .. It's like a feeding ground for them. There is no punishment severe enuff in my mind .. the only thing that will stop them is castration and it ought to be mandatory. Take away the urge and the beast shall hopefully recede .. another offense should be punishable by death. They killed the child within and stole their innocence. They need to pay for this crime. Great job bringing this atrocity to the forefront. Ken



Ken - I wrote this piece very quickly to attach to a proposal I carried to DC lobbying for child abuse prevention education. Hence, I do a better job at writing proposals than poetry; so I just wrote a poem off the top of my head, after listening and reading many many accounts of Whispered Screams over the years. Child Sexual Abuse is an insidious crime against humanity! Many folks feel the way you do and I contend that I have shared your sentiments about your suggested forms of punishment too. Although since I have studied this issue for years, and too have my own personal understanding; I still feel the best we can do is to prevent this crime; when it comes to punishment; we must send a loud and clear message that the punishment will be severe. The experts I have met with on this issue claim castration won't work; after listening and reviewing their work, I've come to understand their views based upon their science/research. I think life in a predator's prision without parole could work...make it a mandatory sentence even for first time offenders...we must take sexual child predators out of society...they are not fit to live among the human species. In the meantime, the cost to our society due to the core issue of child sexual abuse is daunting...in the billions and billions, too the lose of innocence, the lose of lives, and many victims are left with a life time of pain and suffering. I agree what an excellent comparison - sexual predators - 'are like rabid animals' you couldn't be more correct! Ken, you have a kind and caring heart, a wise person and a wonderful poet you are indeed! Peace, Love and Light

kdarcy commented on Whispered Screams


Well written, well at least for me- full of lifes lessons and reality. Whats not to like about that, writers are full of both truth and fantasy- where the two cross is anybodies best guess, be well and stop by for several new writes are up, thanks k




Teardrops commented on Whispered Screams


The poem touched me as a mother and as a human Who can claim to be human and hurt a chid ? I wish all who do this hurt times what the child does . Thank you so much for such a wonderful well written poem Marie



Teardrops thank you for your touching comment; from a loving soul it's much appreciated. Peace, Light and Love

REGINA2 commented on Whispered Screams


This poem has truly touched my heart and expresses well what we've felt.



Heartfelt thanks Regina! I wrote this in April - Child Abuse Prevention Month; it was an attachment to a proposal I was working on - lobbying to protect children by promoting prevention. Thank you for your wonderful contribution in the Ken Contest; your poetic depth and sentiments - Bravo! Peace, Light and Love.

Worthless commented on Whispered Screams


It is possible that God forgive's you for all you do and didn't do but was tortured and drug thru the abuse...?



WorthFUL this was written from a victims view. You are asking a humble mere mortal if God forgives; it is my belief, Yes; Most mortals are closer to sinners than saints; God knows our hearts, with true remorse God forgives those who ask for forgiveness and mercy...then a life must be lived throughout to demonstrate that remorse. This is a very deep philosophical questioned that none of us really know the answer to. With respect for a victims view, first it's important for victims to realize that they are not to blame for the abuses and pain inflicted upon them by others, particularly heinous acts of child abuse perpetrated upon them by child predators/abusers. For the victims I believe it's important for their own well being and healing in order to prevail - go from victim to victor - to forgive, that doesn't mean however one will ever forget. How can one ask of the universe or of God what one is not willing to extend to themselves and/or others. I will post the rest of my response on the forum

Poetry is when an emotion has found its thought and the thought has found words.

Robert Frost (1875-1963) American Poet.

Kanicki’s Poems (16)

Title Comments
Title Comments
Bar Talk 41
My Turtle Dove 22
Poetry Princess 32
Please Don't Do It! 30
The Heart Knows 34
Erection Day 38
The Perfect Fit 41
A Helping Hand 24
Through The Eyes of Love 22
Surrogate Mom 21
Politics Lunatics 21
Gratitude Brings Latitude 13
Whispered Screams 22
Y It's Yuke 13
Mothers In Law 13
When Autumn Comes a Calling 14