Whispered Screams
Not a poet by any means
the opportunity of life gleans
provides us all as it seems...
From cradle to grave it redeems
joys, sorrow, the in betweens
triumphs, defeats, chasing dreams
different stages changing themes...
But to flow in one clear stream
innocence interrupted lured schemes
a predator robs self-esteem...
Silence, life's not peaches and cream
Better do what the monster deems
Clinging to life apart at the seams
Looking up at the ceiling beams
Tender flesh violated was so demeaned
To stay alive through life's extremes
All but left are haunting screams
Call upon the great supreme...
How to be forever clean...
to regain stolen childhood gleam...
Poetry defies Whispered Screams
All that's Left are Whispered Screams.....
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