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What's Good About Allegro PCB Editor Embedded Cavity DRCs?

01-04-2021 at 07:36:54 AM

What's Good About Allegro PCB Editor Embedded Cavity DRCs?

What's Good About Allegro PCB Editor Embedded Cavity DRCs?

Max cavity size and max cavity component count were offered as reports in the 16.5 release and are now available as DRCs in the 16.6 release of Allegro PCB Editor. Fab houses supporting embedded component manufacturing offer design guidelines on cavity usage.To get more news about Cavity PCB, you can visit pcbmake official website.
Consider a PCB with the following characteristics. Layer SIGNAL_7 is displayed where you see two merged cavities on the left as the result of Cap placement combined with embedded parameter record #2 (min cavity gap for merging). There is one large cavity on the right associated with the BGA:
Select Setup – Constraints – Modes – Design Modes (Package) then enable the ‘Max cavity size’ and ‘Max cavity component’ count DRC mode:

Both DRC types are applicable to the column of Caps while the BGA cavity is greater than the specified 3500 sq mils. Move 1 cap from each column downward. We've resolved the max count issue, but still have an area issue:

No action is required on resolving the BGA DRC. This might require an edit to the symbol definition to meet the rule. Manually draw a ‘super cavity’ around all 10 Caps. This is done using:

Poetry is either something that lives like fire inside you or else it is nothing, an empty formalized bore around which pedants can endlessly drone their notes and explanations.

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