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5 Features To Look For When Choosing A Smart Lock

12-16-2022 at 12:18:33 AM

5 Features To Look For When Choosing A Smart Lock

5 Features To Look For When Choosing A Smart Lock

As the present age becomes more digital, usual aspects of people’s daily lives have changed. One of those changes is having smart locks in their homes.To get more news about door lock with wifi, you can visit securamsys.com official website.

But, what is a smart lock? It’s a Bluetooth- or Wi-Fi-enabled smart home technology that ditches traditional house keys, allowing one to lock and unlock doors with just one finger tap or through a straightforward voice command. Smart locks are even accessed remotely, so you can open the door to allow a person to enter while you’re on your job.
As a smart lock has advanced features worth considering, it’s bad news to know that not everyone is informed about choosing the right smart lock to be installed in their home or apartment. For example, if you’re residing in a solar-powered house in Ireland, would it still be sensible to purchase a battery-operated smart lock? Others might also ask if all smart locks have remote control features, while others might be thinking about when these locks can become necessary. As such, it’s good to ask for advice from a security expert or locksmith to find answers.
Overall, continue reading as this article will delve into some features you should consider when choosing a smart lock for your home or apartment.
Guest Keys
Smart locks, such as Ojmar Locks, specifically retrofit models, allow you to assign ‘keys’ to people you’re fine to let into your house when you’re away. These people can be family members or close friends who might need to feed the cats or send your children to school. You can assign anyone you’re at ease letting into your home with a guest key, and they can use it to walk into your property.
Here, entry keys are delivered through email code or text via the smart lock application, and these keys provide your visitor wireless entry capabilities. Almost all smart locks can also track who enters and leaves, and smart locks with WI-FI can deliver phone alerts when somebody walks into or exits your property. And, so, even when you’re far away, you’ll still know, for instance, whether your kids have returned from school.
Remote Connectivity
The opportunity to communicate your smart lock with other devices is one of the reasons why it’s becoming more notable today. Who wouldn’t want to have the ability to unlock their door with just one press of a button or be reminded that they left the door unlocked? When the smart lock functions as it should, technology and your home can effectively work as one.

Likewise, as said earlier, you can have access to the locks even if you’re distant via Bluetooth connectivity and Wi-Fi. While you’re in your house, it’s ideal enough for monitoring your property, yet you can lose the connection with the locks if you go farther.
App Connectivity
Smart locks work well as part of a smart home security system, yet what makes them more ideal is that they can be managed and checked through smartphone applications. These applications don’t cost anything and aren’t complicated to use. Moreover, these applications allow homeowners to make the most of all the smart lock features.

The app connectivity these smart locks provide is also needed in their communication with other devices. Likewise, these applications will also allow you to assess the locks’ diagnostics and offer any pertinent details connected to such devices.
ANSI/BHMA Lock Standard Rating
Standard or smart door lock quality isn’t always similar. The Builders Hardware Manufacturers Association (BHMA) and American National Standards Institute (ANSI) have set three standard lock quality designations. These designation tests determine locks based on their toughness and resistance against bumping, picking, and other physical attacks, alongside the lifespan of the locking/unlocking mechanism.
Battery Life
Traditional locks don’t have a problem running out of battery. Smart locks, however, need a continuous power source to work. This is why most of them rely on battery power.

Homeowners need to determine the smart lock’s inherent battery. Some homeowners think the battery issue may not be an essential factor, but it could leave you in a tricky situation if your lock powers down when it’s most needed.

Poetry is not an expression of the party line. It's that time of night, lying in bed, thinking what you really think, making the private world public, that's what the poet does.

Allen Ginsberg (1926-1997) U.S. poet.