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How Much Do Video Walls Cost? A Pricing Breakdown

12-30-2022 at 09:37:57 PM

How Much Do Video Walls Cost? A Pricing Breakdown

How Much Do Video Walls Cost? A Pricing Breakdown

Ask any installer how much a video wall costs, and you might be in for a long conversation. Understandably so: these systems are kind of a modern marvel in the technology world, with the tech’s quality rapidly increasingly year over year and prices steadily going down. How much a video wall costs now, in late 2020, is subject to change by late 2021 (and we’ll do our best to update this article as time passes). But in general, what should buyers expect to pay?To get more news about P4 Outdoor LED display, you can visit htj-led.com official website.

Wrapping your head around LED video wall prices
One reason why it’s difficult to simply list median prices for you here is that video wall costs can fluctuate based primarily on size.
But one other important factor is aspect ratio. Specialty sizes require specialty media players and content, which drives up costs and complexity of installation significantly.

Most media is produced for 16:9 aspect ratio, so anything different from that will exponentially increase costs. This may be useful in more artistic settings such as museums, galleries, or high-end motels, but not necessarily in corporate or mid-range retail settings.

Lionel Felix, an integrator with years of experience and founder of Felix Media Solutions, does have some good news, though.

“Costs have been coming down where every 18 months, it comes down by about half,” he says.

“Last year, we were quoting systems in 120- to 165-inch range — complete hardware purchase only, before installation costs — $45,000 to $120,000, depending on the manufacturer, size, and pixel density of the solution.”

“Another example of our pricing: in an auditorium which sits 300, a two-wall solution with a minimum viewing distance of 15 feet away, we sold those two screens at $440,000 with most of that being the hardware. Installation was fairly simple.”

“About 20% of budgeting should be allotted to the installation of the wall. Larger projects need a construction company to put a drywall up to exacting specifications. Ideally, they should have done work on these projects before.”

Most expensive parts of a video wall system
You’re going to start hearing and reading about “pixel pitch” often if you’re seeking to purchase a video wall, so you should know what this important factor means.

According to manufacturer Planar, “pixel pitch describes the density of the pixels (LED clusters) on an LED display and correlates with resolution. Sometimes referred to as pitch or dot pitch, the pixel pitch is the distance in millimeters from the center of a pixel to the center of the adjacent pixel.”

Essentially, a smaller pixel pitch allows for a closer viewing distance (or how close you can stand to the screen without it looking pixelated).

Note that a 2.5mm pixel pitch is on the higher end for an indoor solution. More typically, indoor systems require 1.7 or 1.5mm pixel pitch. This can increase the price depending on the screen manufacturer chosen by your integrator.

Poetry is not an expression of the party line. It's that time of night, lying in bed, thinking what you really think, making the private world public, that's what the poet does.

Allen Ginsberg (1926-1997) U.S. poet.