Original Poetry Forums

Hot Potato Politics

05-15-2010 at 08:21:51 PM

RE: Hot Potato Politics

A Tea Party with California Governor Elect, Meg Whitman

What's this about Somali pirates, they
will testify -- informants, and will say
the Goldman Sachs did hire them with pay
to only rob the ships from Meg's weBay.

with puts n' calls and inside bets to lose
red-flagged, x-marked, pin-pointed which to choose
the ship of gold to rob at sea, they knew
and millions came from office dark plan brew

to feed campaigns for governor o' me.
Now step right up for Whitman's not candy

April 26, 2010
NORFOLK, VIRGINIA – ( The Borowitz Report ) Eleven indicted Somali pirates dropped a bombshell in a U.S. court today, revealing that their entire piracy operation is a subsidiary of banking giant Goldman Sachs. There was an audible gasp in the courtroom when the leader of the pirates announced, “We are doing God’s work. We work for Lloyd Blankfein.” The pirate, who said he earned a bonus of $48 million in dubloons last year, elaborated on the nature of the Somalis’ work for Goldman, explaining that the pirates forcibly attacked ships that Goldman had already shorted. “We were functioning as investment bankers, only every day was casual Friday,” the pirate said. The pirate acknowledged that they merged their operations with Goldman in late 2008 to take advantage of the more relaxed regulations governing bankers as opposed to pirates, “plus to get our share of the bailout money.” In the aftermath of the shocking revelations, government prosecutors were scrambling to see if they still had a case against the Somali pirates, who would now be treated as bankers in the eyes of the law. “There are lots of laws that could bring these guys down if they were, in fact, pirates,” one government source said. “But if they’re bankers, our hands are tied.” More here. The Borowitz Report

05-15-2010 at 08:25:00 PM

the Great American Boston Tea Party

the Great American Boston Tea Party

The time was seventeen and seven three
they came to end the British tyranny

just like their year, they chose the count thirteen
a message hidden deep beneath the seams

we will not take your sovereign slavery
that come as merchant sailors, hungrily

oh greedy England, with your white-gloved hands
we left your world, for places where we can

build dreams and homes, and plant our foods to live
not line your pockets, forced to give and give

the call to arms, we men who rise from fields
the sacrifice of tea shall be our shield

the women folk will surely have our hide
no gossiping, the morrow wears our pride

and see us now oh friends of yester-yore
we mighty share and with the whole world, more

05-16-2010 at 07:38:00 AM


05-17-2010 at 07:32:55 PM

The New American Tea Party

The New American Tea Party

It started like a snowball rolling slow
they called us human guinea pigs, you know

they came with oil, dripping into palms
and every body had to breathe their psalms

the U.S. Army first admitted they
seduced the public of the U. S. A.

with toxic poison gaseous air-borne fumes
called Legionnaire's for Nineteen City Rooms
with Warfare germs, by A.M.A. for they,
who were attacked, and never told, no way.

We are a type of human cargo schemes
a group of few determine chess game teams
it is exactly what it seems, not dreams
their chemicals are heinous, nasty, streams

of non-dissolving plastic in our seas
collecting pools of Texas-size cities

their pesticides of murder, killing spree
now oozes into water, land and we

their oil for our cars, polluting air
their leakage burned, destroyed our coast, the heir,

ol' grand pappy, made die-nastie for all
from horse and wagon, millions from "Nujol"

the evidence, original, I keep
and forty years of silence makes me weep

Oh Shepherd RockefeelMy QueenBee Rose
I will not stop until the public knows
I beg you cease your vulgar oil flow
and End the Reign of poison Medical.

or we shall have a brand new tea party
and we won't dump your cargo in the sea.

* Long Beach Press Telegram Newspaper, dated March 8, 1977, identifies the exact dates and locations of the first "admitted" testing of toxic Poison Air Borne chemicals by the US Army, upon large, unsuspecting U.S. citizens.

06-13-2010 at 02:31:59 PM

RE: Cell Phones and Cancer

Cell Phones and Cancer

I've known the link for 16 years
of cell phones and the cancer fears

'lectro-magnet send 'lectrodes
to receptor fiber brain nodes

damage, and there is no recourse
they keep stalling, with their, so coarse

"inconclusive", they keep braying
meanwhile, brain cells are decaying

they need time to make more money
do they smirk and think it's funny

16 years I've known these rumors
I should be dead, from these tumors.

I refuse their morphine rivers
all their drugs give me the shivers

hurts my body worse than cancer
so I use my other answer

frying with my vitamin C
acid for the microbe city

not fakes grown by laboratory
Oranges growing on the Real Tree

08-06-2010 at 11:56:22 AM

RE: Buying Death

09-12-2010 at 11:52:44 AM

The Smallpox Serum Slaughter

The SmallPox Serum Slaughter

Manila was the scene
in eighteen ninety nine
'til nineteen hundred two
this story... it is true

The US Army, they
instructed medics to
innoculate with pus
the serum was brand new

The fast result was stark
they dropped like small brown rocks
the murders that ensued
by medical smallpox

the records are missing
the US ARMY said
we don't know where they went
can't verify the dead

The Philippino ones
who died those years, engross
a lesson learned of drugs
and lowering the dose

Dr. William Howard Hay, M.D. of the New York University School of Medicine, author of Health Via Food said, "If the record of vaccination in the Philippines alone were ever to become matter of general knowledge, it would finish vaccination in the whole country, or at least among those who are able to read and think for themselves. AFTER 3 years of the most rigid vaccination, when almost every little brown man had been vaccinated from one to six times, there occurred the severest epidemic of smallpox that the islands had ever seen, with a death rate running in places to almost seventy per cent."

The US Army Medical Library in Washington and the Surgeon General's Library ... all of the regular annual reports on Philippine Health, with facts and figures about every disease and the acitivities of American health authorities in the islands, for the years 1899, 1900 and 1901 and 1902 have been removed, and are MISSING from the files. Also missing from that period are the files of 674 of our own soldiers in the Philippines, who not only contacted smallpox, after being vaccinated for smallpox... but 249 of them died. The later statistics on the Philippines Smallpox front identify 1918, 1919 and 1920 --- after 20 years of compulsory vaccination -- the greatest smallpox epidemic in Philippine history occurred, with 162,503 cases and 71,453 deaths. Prevention? No and not... rather, a cause, a contributing factor to dis - ease, and DNA dysfunction.

09-13-2010 at 06:39:49 PM

RE: Autism by Immunization Poison


The Doctor, Andrew Wakefield made the claim
that toxins in the vaccines are to blame
for health decline in babies by 3 years
crusader for Autism, Paul Revere

excited neurons stimulate the brain
while calm .... looks for a room of green and plain
those synapses that fire wrong ... or lag
and send the signal "wrong response", red flag

he had the studies there to show the link
from poisons, making parents stop and think
both Jim Carrey, Jenny McCarthy .... they
saw their child DROP, from vaccination day.

They stopped the drugging and they healed their child
from acting wild, they helped him to be mild
They used organic, no preservatives
said fresh is best, without the additives

So here's to Doctor Wakefield, 'cross the sea
he made a stand against the hierachy
but Britain took the stance .... but no dismay
revoked his license, henchmen AMA

so much for Freedom to Not feel the Fang
that stab of sterile pus shot with a pang
some overload, in bodies that harangue
as lethal mutants known as blood vein's gang

11-11-2010 at 10:30:19 AM

RE: RE: Cell Phones and Cancer

Originally Posted by Springsize

Cell Phones and Cancer

I've known the link for 16 years
of cell phones and the cancer fears

'lectro-magnet send 'lectrodes
to receptor fiber brain nodes

damage, and there is no recourse
they keep stalling, with their, so coarse

"inconclusive", they keep braying
meanwhile, brain cells are decaying

they need time to make more money
do they smirk and think it's funny

16 years I've known these rumors
I should be dead, from these tumors.

I refuse their morphine rivers
all their drugs give me the shivers

hurts my body worse than cancer
so I use my other answer

frying with my vitamin C
acid for the microbe city

not fakes grown by laboratory
Oranges growing on the Real Tree


Now Soursop , a tropical fruit, is being extolled as a cancer preventative and cancer curative, Is this a scheme for a scheming group of wiseacres to make millions of dollars? We need to know.

11-16-2010 at 10:32:24 AM

RE: the little white coffins

trochaic 8, 7 meter

drug peddlers for the pharmaceutical empire of toxic medicines.....
they have treatments for diseases....
ongoing, long-lasting treatments...

they have no cures.

the little white coffins

there were thousands of the coffins
satin-lined at death's cold door
softly-white, they held small children
living healthy, days before

those who didn't die so quickly
laid inside an iron lung
ol' Salk, he said, you don't sleep well...
after vaccinating young

never one to throw away the
parts of animals that die
polio was live from monkey
sterile pus 'n kidney pie

oh, those money marketeer crimes
sins against the babies' health
multi-killion dollar drug sales
companies with toxic wealth

"When you innoculate children with a polio vaccine you don't sleep well for two or three weeks," Dr. Salk, on October 11, 1954, as reported from Pittsburgh by Saul Pett, Associated Press writer.

To Me... ANY percent wherein a child gets a toxic disease from a toxic vaccination is despicable and should be ILLEGAL.

11-16-2010 at 11:33:07 PM


The state I live in- it is illegal NOT to vaccinate your children... and they may not attend schools/ or daycare without such toxic kisses to their immune system! I have an auto-immune disease i was born with- which depletes my white blood cell count, and causes me to be extremly prone to airborn illness. Recently my doctor wanted me to go in for a series of vaccinations to firewall a slew of diffrent types of illness- he claimed I was building a 'chemical' army- that my body is incapable of producing on it's own.. I have not went for the shots- the last time I was given vaccinations- I had an adverse reaction, and my upper arm swelled up the size of basketball-lol, and I ran a fever of 103, and broke out in nettle hives all over my body. Two months later, I passed out, and had to get a blood transfusion( doctors claimed the incident was unrelated!) -Now, Im facing cancer possibilities, and Im pretty freaked- because if it turns out positive, I KNOW chemo will kill me... thank you for writing this piece!! Awareness is power- blessed be. Maddi

11-26-2010 at 10:32:36 AM


Originally Posted by Madelynn

The state I live in- it is illegal NOT to vaccinate your children... and they may not attend schools/ or daycare without such toxic kisses to their immune system! I have an auto-immune disease i was born with- which depletes my white blood cell count, and causes me to be extremly prone to airborn illness. Recently my doctor wanted me to go in for a series of vaccinations to firewall a slew of diffrent types of illness- he claimed I was building a 'chemical' army- that my body is incapable of producing on it's own.. I have not went for the shots- the last time I was given vaccinations- I had an adverse reaction, and my upper arm swelled up the size of basketball-lol, and I ran a fever of 103, and broke out in nettle hives all over my body. Two months later, I passed out, and had to get a blood transfusion( doctors claimed the incident was unrelated!) -Now, Im facing cancer possibilities, and Im pretty freaked- because if it turns out positive, I KNOW chemo will kill me... thank you for writing this piece!! Awareness is power- blessed be. Maddi

Dear Maddi...

First of all... I am appalled that you were poisoned and your body reacted so violently....
but I'm glad you survived and I note your comment about drinking lots of water... I've heard how flushing and wonderful water is...

I also, live in a state where the children are not allowed to go to school
unless they have received their 57 + doses of poisonous vaccinations.

but, I was raised without any immunizations,
and I also refused to Ever give my children even one dose
and instead, demurely demanded the Exempt Form
that allows one to claim religious objection.

And when it comes to forced poisoning...
each USA school and state BY LAW
must provide and allow for the Religious Exception Form.
Emotionally, I am a smoldering, capped volcano
and if anyone ever saw mama bear,
then know there is nothing that will raise my passion faster,
than abuse against the babies and children...
although poison violations against any human
makes my bones ache for change.

I totally understand your concerns of vaccinations,
and your adverse reaction is more common
than any drug company would like for the public to know.
Are you aware that for nearly 100 years, it has been
illegal to sue the doctors, AMA, drug corporations...
--anyone-- related to the murder, killing, "accidental" death,
or bad reactions, from vaccinations or other toxic drugs ?????

And I'd find myself an attorney to sue
the MD and Drug Company who poisoned you
because if they did Not know
that you would react violently to their toxic pus
then they -- should have known --
This is the change in the law today...
no excuse....
poison a person....
make amends
and pay

11-28-2010 at 07:22:00 AM


Originally Posted by Madelynn

The state I live in- it is illegal NOT to vaccinate your children... and they may not attend schools/ or daycare without such toxic kisses to their immune system! I have an auto-immune disease i was born with- which depletes my white blood cell count, and causes me to be extremly prone to airborn illness. Recently my doctor wanted me to go in for a series of vaccinations to firewall a slew of diffrent types of illness- he claimed I was building a 'chemical' army- that my body is incapable of producing on it's own.. I have not went for the shots- the last time I was given vaccinations- I had an adverse reaction, and my upper arm swelled up the size of basketball-lol, and I ran a fever of 103, and broke out in nettle hives all over my body. Two months later, I passed out, and had to get a blood transfusion( doctors claimed the incident was unrelated!) -Now, Im facing cancer possibilities, and Im pretty freaked- because if it turns out positive, I KNOW chemo will kill me... thank you for writing this piece!! Awareness is power- blessed be. Maddi



I have always been suspicious of all medical magic, I presume that I have a morbid dread of doctors and drugs,

In Jamaica, a student cannot be admitted to primary school , without a medical certificate indicating that inoculation had been done. A child may be admitted ,if the vaccination scar is evident on the child's arm
I also understand that for permanent immigration ito the USA , a certificate of recent inoculations has to be produced. I have not yet heard of a case in Jamaica wherein anyone has been affected or infected by immunization.
Probably, there area few cases. Who knows?

Last edited by cousinsoren 11-28-2010 at 07:33:20 AM

When power leads man towards arrogance, poetry reminds him of his limitations. When power narrows the area of man's concern, poetry reminds him of the richness and diversity of existence. When power corrupts, poetry cleanses.

John F. Kennedy (1917-1963) Thirty-fifth President of the USA