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Which Foods Contain Lithium Orotate?

06-15-2020 at 11:42:05 AM

Which Foods Contain Lithium Orotate?

Which Foods Contain Lithium Orotate?

Lithium is a light highly reactive metal found naturally in very low amounts throughout our bodies. It is also available as a supplement and is normally found in drinking water and in several foods such as meat, fish, cereals, nuts, mushrooms, dairy, vegetables, kelp, mustard, and pistachios. However if you want to have a great lithium orotate experience, you should consider buying an over-the-counter supplement which contains the right amount of lithium orotate.To get more news about lithium orotate dosage recommended, wisepowder official website is the best place for you.

Some people may ask, does lithium orotate work right away? The answer is no. It normally takes a few weeks for lithium orotate to start working. Your health care professional will carry out blood tests during the treatment. This is because lithium orotate may affect how well your thyroid or kidney function. It also functions best if the drug level in your body is maintained at a constant level.

Lithium orotate dosage recommended for adults suffering from acute manic episodes bipolar illness is 1.8 gm or 20 to 30 mg/kg of lithium carbonate daily. The dose is divided into two to three dosages in case of severe depression or episodes of mania. To protect against another episode, the normal dose is 900 mg to 1200 mg daily in two to four divided dosages. 24-32 mEq solution of lithium citrate, given in two to four divided doses per day, has also been effective. Normal doses should not go beyond 65 mEq lithium citrate or 2.4 grams of lithium carbonate per day.

Stopping lithium orotate drugs at once raises the chances of re-occurrence of bipolar disorder symptoms. Lithium orotate dose should be decreased gradually over at least two weeks.

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Aristotle (384 BC-322 BC) Greek philosopher.