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World Of Warcraft: A Timeline To Understanding Shadowlands

02-25-2021 at 01:37:07 AM

World Of Warcraft: A Timeline To Understanding Shadowlands

World Of Warcraft: A Timeline To Understanding Shadowlands

World of Warcraft is a vast universe teeming with lore. So many events have transpired that it would be impossible to cover them all in one article. Fortunately, to understand WoW's latest expansion, Shadowlands, we can primarily narrow the scope down to Sylvanas Windrunner's storyline.To get more news about buy WoW items, you can visit lootwowgold official website.

But first, a brief understanding of the Shadowlands. These are WoW's version of the afterlife, broken up into limitless covenants. Souls are sorted by the Arbiter upon death, depending on how they lived their lives. Bastion, Maldraxxus, Ardenweald, and Revendreth are the four introduced to us in this expansion.

There's also the Maw, essentially WoW's version of Hell, where irredeemable souls are sent to suffer eternal torment. This void is ruled over by a devilish character known as the Jailor.

Somewhere along the line, the sorting process has become broken and all souls are going straight to the Maw regardless of their life choices. With that foundation laid out, let's recap on Sylvanas' background.Originally introduced in the series' second RTS title, Sylvanas was a high-elf and commander of the elven rangers, fighting against the Horde in the second war. She was reputed as a fearless and intelligent general. During this time, she recruits Nathanos into her forces, sparking great controversy as he was the only human to ever serve in an elven army. It's important to note that Sylvanas once referenced her troops as "arrows in my quiver." A metaphor she returns to multiple times throughout the years.
Fifteen years later, Sylvanas still defends her homeland during the third war. She staves off Arthas, who's corrupted by the Lich King before Arthas ultimately kills her. Arthas separates her soul from the body, resurrecting Sylvanas as a Banshee under the Lich King's control. He preserves her self-awareness, forcing her to watch her people's destruction.

Under the Lich King's control, Sylvanas becomes one of his main lieutenants. The Alliance ultimately defeats Archimonde- second in command of the Burning Legion behind Sargeras- at the end of the third war. This is when the Lich King's hold over Sylvanas begins to deteriorate, a fact she keeps to herself.

At some point during these events, Sylvanas manages to repossess her body, becoming a corporeal undead, rather than simply a Banshee, explaining her current appearance. At this point, she becomes obsessed with vengeance, Arthas' demise becoming her driving force.

After accepting there was no returning to her previous life, she forms the Forsaken, an undead army. She founds The Undercity below the ruins of Lordaeron, which comes to be known as the Plaguelands. She then allies with the Horde for the first time.

If I feel physically as if the top of my head were taken off, I know that is poetry.

Emily Dickinson (1830-1886) American poet.