Hard Confession


  • Philosophy

    Hard Confession

    Confused with world expectations
    For me...
    For you...
    For society...
    respect diminished
    drivers driving on which ever sides of the road
    they feel like,
    leaving intense consequence in homes...
    How am I to learn respect?

    I do not understand the word,
    Full of complications,
    Full of stereotypes,
    I want to follow a universal definition
    is there one
    names slandered,
    abused by a bitter tongue
    How am I to know a word that has been mutilated?

    Today I learned how I treat you...
    Compare to a dying person,
    Compare to a child,
    Compare to a boss,
    And compare to myself...
    so many lovers live in disrespect for one another
    How blind...
    their love is loose
    ours will not be
    I do believe I have potential
    It will not be easy,
    I may landslide,
    But through determination I will figure this word out
    Through communication I will figure you out
    I am like a flower
    Stubborn in the rain
    But I wilt
    I do not want to be your weed.

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    In science one tries to tell people, in such a way as to be understood by everyone, something that no one ever knew before. But in poetry, it's the exact opposite.

    Franz Kafka (1883-1924) Czech writer.

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