Her Thoughts


  • Emotional

    Her Thoughts

    Does her existence mean nothing to him?
    Can she eliminate her daily experience of hatred for him, when he calls seven to ten times a day for nothing?
    When she doesn't want her everyday life to exist of hatred for him? From his lack of understanding?
    Can she survive his notion of hope, to adjust his entire life, re-arrange his future only in hopes that she will return?
    She asks herself, why now? When years had passed and nothing was being accomplished?
    No talk of future plans were expressed from him, no growing together plans, no family plans.
    Can she control her anger with him when he tells her of plans that only take place because of her non-existance in the relationship? Or the proposals of marriage that come now that she has ended and separated herself from him and his immaturities?

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    HarverTomsson commented on Her Thoughts


    Well crafted lament. Don't allow another's clueless self centeredness create a climate of self doubt. Nearly every question has already been answered. Someone who ony offers another's heart's desire after all hope is at an end, is a master manipulator. Can you live with your freedom?

    Poetry is when an emotion has found its thought and the thought has found words.

    Robert Frost (1875-1963) American Poet.

    poetry4healing’s Poems (4)

    Title Comments
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    Child's Game 0
    My heart has turned to stone 1
    Her Thoughts 1
    Untitled 3