The Storm


  • Emotional
  • ,
  • Love

    The Storm

       Rain clouds cover us as a storm manipulates a time of hardship. Loss of hope, loss of faith, and the loss of love all together pours from our tears. Our body aches from pain and agony of failure. Lack of support seperated us from the start, but a light still flickers amongst the darkness in my heart; as fierce winds try to extringuish my flame. It is all I have left after a hurricane tore us apart. All alone in my shelter of bitterness, I stare to the heavens for a rebirth.
       Through my astonishment the rain stopped. An angel appeared before my eyes, and, with an amazing smile, reached for my hand. I held her close, and as we danced under the stars I whispered softly in her ear,"I am sorry and I love you."
       That beautiful angel that God sent for me happened to be you. Tears of joy and glee flowed like a river from our eyes. My heart is full of loce that I once lacked; but in spite of everything, you forgave me.

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    Poetry is either something that lives like fire inside you or else it is nothing, an empty formalized bore around which pedants can endlessly drone their notes and explanations.

    Unknown Source

    GuardianAngel’s Poems (3)

    Title Comments
    Title Comments
    That Simple Seed 0
    The Storm 0
    Paralyzed Soul 1

    GuardianAngel’s Friends (2)