All Of My Fire


Poem Commentary

I wrote this poem on April 21st. 2006.
It was about my depressed state that I was going through at the time.

All Of My Fire

I've had to deal with things all my life
I've had nothing but my tears
Through my pain and through my strife
To get me through I've had nothing but my fears.

The circle of my fears is rising higher and higher
And there's nothing I can do about it
It is becoming a circle of bright fire
And I do not like it.

As I  Look into the circle of fire
And wonder why I can not stop it
The fire is just getting higher and higher
It is the fire within my heart that is lit.

I only wish I could put this fire out
Sometimes the fire makes me want to die
It makes me want to shout
This fire makes me want to cry.

I just want to live my life
Without any flames or fire
Without any pain or strife
Lord, Please stop these flames from getting higher

I just want to be me
Without anybody running my life
I just want to be free
I'm tired of all my pain and strife.

I was up all night
Thinking of how I can change
Wondering how I can stop this fight
I need to break out of this cage.

Am I going to be able to change my life
Am I going to be able to be me
Without any pain or strife
Am I ever going to break free.

Sometimes I feel like I'm drowning
Drowning from all my tears 
I don't want to be drowning
I'm drowning from all my fears.

The fears I hold inside of me
I can not control it
They are about to burst free
Sometimes I feel like I'm in a pit.

This fire of mine is finally going out
This feeling of mine is getting higher
I've fiqured out what my life is about
I am so glad that there is No more fire.

I have finally changed
I finally have a chnce to be me
I am finally out of this cage
I am finally free.


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Poetry is not an expression of the party line. It's that time of night, lying in bed, thinking what you really think, making the private world public, that's what the poet does.

Allen Ginsberg (1926-1997) U.S. poet.

princess2002’s Poems (8)

Title Comments
Title Comments
No One Love Me Like You 0
A Grandmother's Passing 0
All Of My Fire 0
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The Rain Of Tears 0
Friends Until The End 0
Friends Forever 0
I Want To Be With You 0

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