Flaws And All


Flaws And All

Now is your chance to get the hell out of here.
No sense moving on
if you grimace at the first half
of the first line.

Somewhere, near a blackened bridge
hoist that stinks of ocean trash
and gutted fish, we see a pool of corrupted
sea foam in the sand.
We are repelled by the sight
and take the long way around.
We run faster down the beach
towards the white sand and
blue water.
We are fickle
in our awe.
We are typical
in our flaws.
We demand beauty
from everything.

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RoseFromARose commented on Flaws And All


Sometimes I believe we demand beauty to much. Who are we to be so judgmental? Wonderful write

Giggle commented on Flaws And All


running from the gruesome things in life doesn't make them disappear. Demanding beauty, who are "we" fooling but ourselves?! nice write.

GunnersDaughter commented on Flaws And All


and as always, the Tide washes it away............

sin commented on Flaws And All


This is what I was looking for. Breakfast. Now I can wake up. I get almost a war era feel from this. A scene from a war movie. Very moody. nice

Poetry comes nearer to vital truth than history.

Plato (BC 427-BC 347) Greek philosopher.

Buk’s Poems (4)

Title Comments
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The Air We Breathed 5
Forgive Me, Earth 4
Flaws And All 4
Stranded 1