The Air We Breathed


The Air We Breathed

You tripped and said "I'm sorry" I laughed
as I caught you before you hit the grass.
We went all the way, then,
letting the blazing star's
cape cover us
before the sun could finish the day.

I still hear the acorns dropping,
the snap of a crow,
the rustle of the corn tops,
the air, I still hear
the air
we breathed.

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infiniti commented on The Air We Breathed


U have painted a very vivid picture with a few mere words. Thanks for taking me there and wanting more ur friend in poetry, Infiniti

PamelaALamppa commented on The Air We Breathed


I have found a poet. This is beautifully pure, filled with lovely imagery in the corn tops. I know those corn tops. This is so well done, I just had to smile. Thank you. ~Pamela

sin commented on The Air We Breathed


This is good! Visual every step of the way. Electricuty in the air

GunnersDaughter commented on The Air We Breathed


This evening painted, is priceless. Breathing still.

Giggle commented on The Air We Breathed


this is sensual. I am liking the softness of this write.

A poem begins as a lump in the throat, a sense of wrong, a homesickness, a lovesickness. It finds the thought and the thought finds the words.

Robert Frost (1875-1963) American Poet.

Buk’s Poems (4)

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