Heaven Sent


  • Love
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  • Religion

    Heaven Sent

    Heaven Sent

    As each day passes by,
    I wonder how god has made me the luckiest girl
    and why?

    Your smile, your laugh,
    fill me with hope,
    and your endless love has been sent from up above.

    I thank the heavens,
    for every morning that I get to enjoy with you,
    and I know that only god's doings
    has sent me to you.

    For reasons unknown,
    and only the truest of fate.
    Could I have ever found a love so great.

                                                     Mitch 09'

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    miltmann commented on Heaven Sent


    I really love your poem and can tell you go to church, it sounds like you have a beautiful walk with God. wish i had your skills



    thank you so much:) you say you wish you had my skills??? Very flattering cause' I thought your poem rocked! You put your words together beautifully

    To have great poets there must be great audiences too.

    Walt Whitman, American Poet (1819-1892)

    lovinilife’s Poems (1)

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    Heaven Sent 1