Just space...


  • Confusion

    Just space...


    another page that ink compells,
    tongues of fury over tales.
    written beyond a minds comprehinsion,
    words without crude intentions.
    fairytale endings,
    with dragons breath.
    fire smote down,
    with nothing left.
    far beyond,
    what the eye could see.
    emotions run dry,
    destilling me.
    clouds form with brutal intent,
    disguising the world,
    without a hint.
    minds ponder down,
    forgott'n roads.
    as backs are scar'd,
    from heavy loads.
    just thoughts to feel the page,
    as fingers grip while twirling rage.


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    mathiasthom commented on Just space...


    This was your strongest write yet... I wish you'd try to correct your spelling errors though...It detracts from your poetry...Definitely a '10'...

    To have great poets there must be great audiences too.

    Walt Whitman, American Poet (1819-1892)

    farcebyforce’s Poems (7)

    Title Comments
    Title Comments
    Tilt'd 1
    No choice... 1
    nothing 1
    Just space... 1
    Another question??? 1
    Undone 1
    Host'd 1

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