

  • Confusion


    drifting into,
    as to say,
    on through.
    perpetual motion is denied.
    spawning in a dream,
    are unheard cries.
    whispers echoe into the night,
    silence is shatter'd,
    by a rays of light.
    still nothing is heard.
    just the breath that feels to breathe.
    set in motion are tides that ease.
    contradiction follows a glare.
    eyes sewn to a thought,
    that time may spare.
    still a web is spun.
    waiting for a time,
    to be known,
    as undone.

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    mathiasthom commented on Undone


    I'm surprised no one has rated your poetry...I think you have a very strong talent for writing poetry... Great job on this!

    Poetry is when an emotion has found its thought and the thought has found words.

    Robert Frost (1875-1963) American Poet.

    farcebyforce’s Poems (7)

    Title Comments
    Title Comments
    Tilt'd 1
    No choice... 1
    nothing 1
    Just space... 1
    Another question??? 1
    Undone 1
    Host'd 1

    farcebyforce’s Friends (3)