harobed’s Profile

Love, Laugh and Live

  • Age: 68
  • Location: Memphis, TN
  • Gender: Female
  • Country: United States
  • Public Profile URL:


I am single and loving my life to the fullest. The Universe say yes, and I say yes!!! I give myself permission to not concern myself with problems any longer, It's amazing how quickly problems go away and dreams come true when I finally let go and allow a higher power to help me. The basic principle of spiritual life is that my problems become the very place to discover wisdom and love!!!!My faith is built up from belief, acceptance, and trust. I accept that Spirit is always with me. I am never alone. I choose how I see any situation in my life. I choose to see God, to see growth, and to seek peace.


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harobed profile comment


I am coming back stronger and better then before....I am in love with life......Intense that what I will be.

sirroco profile comment


as a means of introduction i jus wanted to invite you to read my sole submission



Sorry for taking so long to get back to you.I will check them out, thanks.

cinque profile comment


Please read my newest poem called the kiss and tell me how you feel about it. it was sort of inspired by your poem AND I SCREAM!



I am glad I could inspired you (smile)

chakmal71 profile comment


Nice to meet you. Please read my poems and rank these as you think. If you want to add some remarks it is great pleasure for me towards new writting skills. Waiting your response.



Sorry it took me a while to get to you, I will check them out. Thanks

Poetry is not the expression of personality but an escape from personality.

T. S. Eliot (1888-1965) American-English poet and playwright.

harobed’s Poems (4)

Title Comments
Title Comments
If I Was 1
Why Not 1
And I Scream!!! 4
My Life and Loving My Self 0