I feel so alone,
Like no one cares.
Nobody in the world notices,
Somone like me.
I could be standing in front of millions of people,
And still be alone.
All I want is for one person to walk up,
And say "want to be friends?".
I want one person to care how I feel,
To wonder if I'm ok or not,
To think about me non-stop.
But untill that person notices me,
I'm all alone.
Like no one cares.
Nobody in the world notices,
Somone like me.
I could be standing in front of millions of people,
And still be alone.
All I want is for one person to walk up,
And say "want to be friends?".
I want one person to care how I feel,
To wonder if I'm ok or not,
To think about me non-stop.
But untill that person notices me,
I'm all alone.
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