When I Cry


  • Poetry

    When I Cry

    When I cry

    I feel like a bird in the sky

    Letting out all the pain

    Like the pouring rain


    I feel my soul is being set free

    And I become part of the gentle breeze


    I become the stars that glow

    And a part of the rivers that flow


    When I let out my tears

    I let go of all those fears

    That hunt me like a hungry bear

    That looks at me with a cold hard stare


    I leave all of those thoughts behind

    And become part of the sweet, green pine


    When I let those feelings go

    I become an eternal rose that only grows

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    Lizziewriter27 commented on When I Cry


    I love how you used such visual metaphors! I can definitely relate to the feeling this poem gave...and i love the closure at the end! it really brings it all together:)

    Poetry comes nearer to vital truth than history.

    Plato (BC 427-BC 347) Greek philosopher.

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