All at once his world came crashing down,
and no one can understand...
Why he often wear a frown!
diagnosed with "cancer"
were the hardest words received,
who actually believes?
Believes in his recovery,
believes he'll make it through.
He's often left in wonder,
is this nightmare really true?
You can bet that no matter how bad it is,
someone always has it worse!!
Although this thing called "cancer"
is nothing, but a "CURSE".
No one really knows
what kind of bond (k9)we share
and even if I told them
they probably wouldn't care
You are very dear to me,
I hope you know it's true
and now that you are sick
tell me what that I should do?
When you'll be gone
a part of me will be lost
it's like I've taken our friendship for granted
and now I'm paying the cost.
I never knew how much you meant to me!
Knowing that you will go away
the thought of you being really sick
haunted me every day.
Volver, volver, I'll see you there!
wait for me, i'ts all I need,
traveling together, just you and me.
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