sherriee1’s Profile

  • Age: 63
  • Location: Manchester, GA
  • Gender: Female
  • Country: United States
  • Public Profile URL:


I'm from a large ,funny ,musical family.Here are new pictures.My daughter Eve and my youngest son Cameron.Also my daughter and granddaughters.I have two other sons Shawn and Nate.Thank you all for your feedback.


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dahlusion profile comment


stopping by to say hello and how are you doing?

ayyan profile comment


You 're very lucky. Very nice family. God's gift



Thank you. So are you.

momafortune profile comment


My book! AVAILABLE NOW ON AMAZON!! The Sun's Love Clothes My Soul, Memoirs of Momafortune By: Tonisha Fortune The Second Coming of Nefertiti is upon you, and in her heart is the key to unlock Heaven on Earth. Come eat from the tree of life, and live forever. The Suns Love Clothes My Soul is the love story of the Second Coming of Nefertiti reincarnated as Tonisha Fortune who was also Eve, and Mary Magdalene. She comes forth at the age of thirty years old during the End Times with a prophetic word from God proclaiming that the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand. In her yard is the tree of life and whoever eats from it will live forever. Her husband the Messiah reigns as the King of Heaven and Earth, and in her heart is the key to unlock the New World of the 31'st century. 402 pages




bandit1192 profile comment


Hi Sherriee, Tried to leave a comment, but it won't let me. I liked both new poems. well done. TS



Thank You!

castlemist profile comment


Hi Sherie, I read you poetry. You really hit the nail on the head in some of them. Really liked "On the Mountain" and "I knew". Your friend in poetry, Jerry



Thank you so much.

Poetry is not an expression of the party line. It's that time of night, lying in bed, thinking what you really think, making the private world public, that's what the poet does.

Allen Ginsberg (1926-1997) U.S. poet.

sherriee1’s Poems (19)

Title Comments
Title Comments
She's So Lucky 7
Never Say Forever 5
That Same Moon 6
Take Your Money 3
Tears Of Joy 9
Better Days 5
She Waits 1
Mother of One 2
Angels To Me 3
We Keep Our Friends 5
On The Mountain 8
Shannon 6
The Lie 4
I Was There One Time 4
Eve 3
I knew 5
Malory 1
Marissa 3
Another Day Another Hour 7