swiftbird2C’s Profile

  • Age: 59
  • Location: Des Moines, GA
  • Gender: Male
  • Country: US
  • Public Profile URL:


I am a creative individual, seeking wisdom through gnosis. In my 20's I was a musician, event organizer, I ran and owned an Organic Coffee Shop/ Vegetarian Cafe, hosted Raves, and studied with a SD Medicine-Man . I am a retired Emergency Room Technician, EMT, and US Army Soldier Medic. As well I am an award winning poet, who also writes many types of music, short stories, novels, essays, critiques, and articles as a reporter. In art I do drawings, watercolors and photography. My favorite times lately are spent with my wife, son, and pets and doing all the activities I love including running over half a dozen creative internet sites.


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ayyan profile comment


Very fine paintings in colors



Thank you very much.

knight4696 profile comment


swift - just want to thank you for your service and compassion you have for our country. It is greatly appreciated. Also, not sure what your profile picture is - but... it definately looks erotic. :}



It is a hummingbird at a flower. My Native name I was given is "Small Swift Bird" ie; Hummingbird. And I serve as a medic to use my healing abilities for my countrymen. One does not have to believe in the politics that place us at war in order to serve, only a desire to aid your fellow human once the machine is set in motion.

Poetry is what gets lost in translation.

Robert Frost (1875-1963) American Poet.

swiftbird2C’s Poems (95)

Title Comments
Title Comments
The Prowl 1
A Fireside Verse 0
Winter Solstice Eve 0
Earth Signs 0
New Gods 0
The Language of the Soul 1
Of All The Stars We Have Collected 2
This Magic World 0
My Invitation 1
The Whispering Tree 0
Living In Another Long Dream 2
You Found Me (Once Again) 1
The Mercurial Quest 1
Within A Barren Life 0
The Inward Call 0
Morning Prayer 4
The Wild Card 1
Love Without End 4
Rainbows 0
Fireflies 1
A Lilac Flame 2
My Crimes, My Sentence 3
The Conception Of Thought 3
Angel Dance 3
The Voices Are Calling His Name 0
Into The Twilight 2
My Ruby Rose 0
A Light Went Out 0
To Leave My Son Behind 0
Dolphins At Sunset 1
This Moribund Reminder 0
On My Father''s Birthday 1
The Measure Of A Man 2
For Fear Of Being Forgotten 1
Southern Wind 1
The Hunger 2
The Dry Harvest 0
The Storm 1
I Am Awake, I Am Alive 2
The Somber Solstice 0
The Poet In Me 0
The Sky Is Clear 1
Rge Of Destiny 0
The Candle That Burns Too Quickly 2
Tender Mercies 0
Mother 0
Gather Your Young 0
The Scarlet Choice 0
Setting Suns 1
The Glow Of Decay 0
Run The Race With Endurance 1
Phantoms 3
Talismans, Amulets, And Charms
Lost Information 0
A Reminder 0
The Secret Fire 1
The Amber Voice 1
Stardust 2
Perfect Plan 0
Torn Asunder 1
The Gateway 0
We Stand Alone 0
The Healing 0
A Flicker Unto The Flame 1
Banishment 1
Child Of The First Garden 1
If Ever 0
The Tower 0
Coming of the Age 0
War Machine 2
Sins Of The Father 1
You Who Step In Shadows 0
Galleries Of The Gods 2
Past The Gates And Graves 2
Insipid Dawn 0
Forlorn The Fallen 4
Mirrored Lives 1
Book Of Love 2
A Star In The Center Of The Maze 1
The Empty Echo Of Silence (Moriah) 5
White Dove 1
Cloudscapes At Twighlight 3
A Winter's Moment 1
The Blood Of A Woman 2
Birth Call 1
The Theme For a Fashion Musuem 4
At Play In The Fields Of The Lord 3
My Wayward Journey Home 0
Harvest Season 2
Secret Garden 2
Storm Riding The Razor''s Edge 3
Ripples In The Water 7
Gnosis 3
The Next Dimension 3
Streaming Dream Of Conciousness 3