Weatherstone’s Profile

has posted new poems.

  • Age: 63
  • Location: Richland, WA
  • Gender: Male
  • Country: United States
  • Public Profile URL:


Born in Port Angeles, WA and raised in the Pacific Northwest. Completed two Bachelor degrees and a Master degree. Loves history, philosophy, and theology. Favorite haunts are coffee shops and used book stores. Enjoys writing prose and poetry, nature photography, hiking, and backpacking. Most of my poetry ideas come to me at night in the space between wake and sleep and I have to write down a thought or two and return to it in the morning. Many of my poetry connections are between humankind and nature, though some deal with human relationships, too.


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Looking for ratings for contest please rate

NevillePark profile comment


I find your writing evocative and deep enough to present a real adventure for any reader. Time constraints being a reality, I've got to get back to you.



Thanks, NevillePark, for reading my poetry and encouraging me. I really appreciate it.

Poetry comes nearer to vital truth than history.

Plato (BC 427-BC 347) Greek philosopher.

Weatherstone’s Poems (40)

Title Comments
Title Comments
The Other Side of Night 0
California Quail 0
Tired So Tired 1
Significance 1
The Critic of a Perfectionist
's Play
Help Me Define Reality 0
At War 0
Lost 1
On The Edge of My Map 0
The Devil In the Drink 0
Road of the Broken 3
Cry of the Curlew Bird 0
Ode To Desert Flower 2
Running the Risk 5
Wrestlers 3
For One Dim Light 3
Breathing Atmosphere 2
Spring 2
Dew On Death's Door 5
Hands of Time 2
A Parent's Joy 1
Fall Into Winter 1
My Heart's Flow -5
Sandy Seashore 1
Razor Blade Tongues 2
Mind's Eye 1
Travel 4
The Deepest Part of Me 1
September Tears 3
Descends the Darkness 1
Warm Friend 1
We Are Made 5
Creator's Way 1
Measure of Me 1
Dance Lessons 7
This Mountain 0
Mountain Conqueror 1
My Son 3
That Young Soldier 2
The Measure of Two Lives 1