What Will Become Of Me


Poem Commentary

A poem I wrote to answer the question What Will Become Of Me....


What Will Become Of Me

"What Will Become Of Me”

From a child in which I was born,
to the adult I have came to be,
the thought within my mind of life,
“what will become of me.”

I did not know my destiny,
cause I never really set a goal,
so from this day here forth,
it is time I choose my role.

I chose to be a speaker,
a performer on the stage,
a writer of poetry and of songs,
who can keep your minds engaged.

A leader for all the people,
who are on the lower side,
leading them successfully in their life,
with God as our personal guide.

A good father to my children,
who provide them with love and care,
doing everything I possibly can,
to assure them I am there.

A brother to all my people,
who are living upon God’s earth,
my sisters and brothers regardless,
of their race or origin in birth.

A person who does good deeds,
a man with the right attitude,
a man who is filled with righteous ways,
for I do try not to be rude.

A person in life who is well respected,
and honest is how I will be,
an angel but still a warrior,
“Is What Will Become Of Me.”

P.S. The time is now for all of us young people to realize, that we must start focusing our minds on “What we will be, what we can be, and how to get to this point – reaching our goals in life.”  I give praise to God for giving us the ability to be, but it is up to us what we will be.  Time waits for no one, and you’re not getting any younger – you’re getting older and soon your time will be up.  Use your time wisely because some mistakes we make can be for a lifetime / fatal - trust me you do not want to have mistakes haunting you forever - wishing you would not have done this or that, so please stay focus on doing the right thing and not the damn thing.  Be about the business of Our Lord - live righteously is all God asks - and you can achieve any goal in which you are trying to reach, as my Aunt Dot always said, “Don’t Quit!”  May God look kindly upon us and bring forth a better day, but we are the workers who make it happen.  Amen

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WordSlinger commented on What Will Become Of Me


KDavid, I love this, so much strength and faith in this, I love it. Congrads on tour success, hope to read you soon, ty WS

Reallady65 commented on What Will Become Of Me


An affirmation to live in greatness fully relying on God. Not succumbing to the temptations of this world or the tribulations that arise. All that you are can be changed, improved, and/or enhanced taking life to a new more prosperous level. We must have faith and believe that "... all things are possible" and work devotedly on positive goals for enrichment of self and being a testimony to others. This is a nice piece that some of us can relate to.



Thank you for your comment Reallady65, your words brightened my day... KD

tsgirl commented on What Will Become Of Me


Very nice description of who you've become , I really enjoyed to the end, with that all said and done how can you go wrong. good writing David, you got my 10 1 luv http://www.originalpoetry.com/poet/tsgirl



Thank you for the comment - I am trying my best to be the best that I can be - regardless of my shortcomings - I will continue to put forth efforts... KD

Poetry is what is lost in translation.

Robert Frost (1875-1963) American Poet.