It’s locked away in life’s allotment
And travels on the streams of chance
Beneath its feet the step-stones ramble;
A mosaic set of circumstance
Civilians live the cause of wonder
Apprehenders wear the soldier’s pants
The battles won eclipse the gamble
For a gilded bidding to the dance.
Red carpet stretches through tomorrow
And waits on high for our advance
Contenders shuffle to assemble
Impervious to neigh-say rants
"Come wind of change with days of clover
That perfume rise throughout the earth
Just now I see ... wait is over!
Time to gauge my journey’s worth."
This name attached to all you fathom
Is formed on tongues from Blaine to Perth
For life’s unknowns you’ve bridged a chasm
To sail in strata round the earth
They know about you ... ‘want to see you
But know they haven’t got a prayer
All stars of wonder shining brightly
Befit the preferential chair
No push - no shove, celeb potential
Evokes a welcome from the mayor
But time rolls out the revelation
And paints a canvas in it’s frame
You’re someone’s brush for the duration
A bonded servant to your name
Still somewhere in amongst the rhythms
Comes the thought which seals the day
This one thing I wouldnt have it
is any other ... any other way."
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