Lost am I


Lost am I

Your eyes are like a looking glass


I climb inside to my delight,

I find your mind, spends its time,

Keeping me in sight


Your mind an endless cavern


I search for thoughts of me,

Nestled away, I find a cache,

Among the strewn debris


Your smile, so inviting


I smile back at you,

You’re beauty I swear, is beyond compare,

Soaring high I become lost in the blue


Your touch like white hot heat


You stood in nothing but your pelt,

Unfastening my belt, remember how it felt,

To swim in the pool of my hearts melt


Your laughter so contagious


Like music to my ears,

The sound so divine, travels my spine,

And within my memory adheres


Your absence so overwhelming


I am perplexed as to what to do,

As our love grew, I knew it would be true,

Lost am I, without you

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feathershal commented on Lost am I


very nice. very nice indeed. I really enjoyed the rhythm of this one.

simoneaugustus commented on Lost am I


WOW! Fantastic writing, beautiful imagery and style. What a lucky girl! Every woman wishes someone would write about her this way and even though this was for someone I don't even know, it took my breath away! Phenomenal! And definitely being saved to my favorites ;)

Musicmynded1 commented on Lost am I


Good stuff here suspence.... glad u made ur presence known.

paxtruth commented on Lost am I


I like the single lines between verses alot. The pictures you have with your poems are super nice.

HopeOhlarik commented on Lost am I


very nicely written. emtotion is nicely storng enough yet soft and gentle. good job!

If I feel physically as if the top of my head were taken off, I know that is poetry.

Emily Dickinson (1830-1886) American poet.

SuSpence’s Poems (53)

Title Comments
Title Comments
Eyes Of Hazel One 6
Each New Day 16
The Tomorrow Dream 43
What See You 19
Nirvana (Haiku) 13
Sonnet 3 21
The Poetry Of Time 33
Mirrored Souls 33
My Open Broken Heart 20
Passing Thoughts 16
Sonnet 1 19
Ode To My Love 17
Angel With Butterfly Wings 20
A Conversation in Appreciation 13
Miranda's Song 14
The Sarasota Blues 27
Highku 22
Tripping Stream of Consciousness 35
Along The River's Breath 51
Sometimes... 37
Transport 34
Love Never Knows 39
SuSpence's Dream 33
Ode to the Beatles (acrostic challenge) 18
The Generation Who Sold The World 30
Christine 24
Glenn Beck (Haiku) Compilation 32
The Tragic Tale of Alejandro Vega 56
Ballad of the Lost Man 32
Gulf of Fire (Haiku) 34
Fade to White 34
Ugly World 53
Searchin' for Love 26
Lost am I 28
Shards of Me 27
The Sadness, 10
The New Moon 18
I Imagine, 13
Lovesick, Lonesome Blues 11
Beautiful Poet 10
The Morning Sun 5
A Question for Love 13
Realm of Delusion 26
Simply Thoughts of You 9
Caught Staring 6
The Edge of the Headlands 3
In My Mind... 15
Thoughts of Natalia 14
A New Path 10
Daydream 12
Gone is my Sunshine 17