Tripping Stream of Consciousness


Tripping Stream of Consciousness

I wrote this one while tripping, enjoy...

As the sun rises I am left with my thoughts
Left to sift through what is real and what is not
Thoughts reflect across my mind through a prism
Cascading a rainbow of colors illuminting my minds eye
I see into myself, and I see through myself, I am liquid
I hear songs of laughter and see pulses in the air
I hear the music in the footsteps in the rain
The rain spills down soaking me in its light
I feel the warmth of the light and the coolness of the water
The rain comes to me when I am dry
It comes when I need her the most
When I am cracked and writhing she can seep into me
Cooling me from the inside out and the outside in, oozing within
Coating my skin, renewing it, curing my ills and warming the sadness
My feet liquify as I fall into myself
A puddle on the ground and I become one with the rain
Together we dance as we run down the drain
Following the water, freedom the water brings us
Running to the ocean, we fall in
Crashing against the shore we grab hold of the sand
The water rushes in, a vain attempt to draw us back
The sands reach out, together we are stong
Holding together the water binds us and we resist the waves pull
Picked up we are upon the footsteps
Traveling at the will upon those who stepped atop us
Waiting to drift off, to be free again together
We reach for the pavement, grasping with all of our might
Falling off we lay upon the streets, now but a single grain of sand
Waiting for the wind to take us where it will
Waiting for a breeze to lift us up
Here comes the breeze, so cool it is, we are floating now
In a dream, in the winds dream
She carries us off, we are free now, soaring high
From up here the world looks to be but just a grain of sand
Blowing in the winds of the cosmos
We are free
We are made of stars
Floating high above, soaring higher and higher
We sit for a time in the milky way but we know we cannot stay
Drifting and dancing, time has left us
The meaning has left us behind
We live in the now, and bask in our moment
We are in the universe but still together
We see happiness is real when it is shared
Our eyes open seeing that sharing makes us real
It gives meaning
You cannot love without sharing
You cannot share witout loving
It is what binds us
We are all trees in a forrest sharing a root system
Rooted in our emotions, intertwined together
We are all sand, but together we are strong
Together we grow entire forrests
Together we give life to the world
Together we reside
Together we bring death to the world
Together we decide

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JadedJezzabel commented on Tripping Stream of Consciousness


after reading this stream of consciousness......i feel like i'm tripping. nice one

carynontherhine commented on Tripping Stream of Consciousness


Reading along, I love the ending!! Together we decide. I have never done the substance you refer too. But, I have been reading your writes and I am sure nothing artificial here as you are a great poet for sure! My son Angel has a great respect for you and your writes. I now know why!! Great poem, beautiful, one you would read in a book of great poets! Caryn on the Rhine

ManOnTheMoon commented on Tripping Stream of Consciousness


Excellent write, to say the least, and a great piece to paint an image in ones mind. Keep up the good writes.

Rhymer commented on Tripping Stream of Consciousness


An epic write, so descriptive and well done one reading does not do it justice. An excellent piece. 10



You are too kind Rhymer, I like this one too, after I returned from my 'trip' it was like I was reading it for the first time haha. I am glad you enjoyed it my friend. Peace and Love, Spence

earthly commented on Tripping Stream of Consciousness


WOW!!!-I had to take a deep breath and come back after reading-it felt like a flashback-yeah, it has been a loonngg time, but I recall watching dew drip from rose petals and hearing leaves growing-lol-no, really this a fantastic little trip in itself-thx-a fav-Namaste...Earthly



Haha flashback huh? I like the sound of your trip, maybe for my next trip I will do it during the daytime and go to the botanical gardens, sounds like it would be lovely :) ~Spence

Poetry is finer and more philosophical than history; for poetry expresses the universal, and history only the particular.

Aristotle (384 BC-322 BC) Greek philosopher.

SuSpence’s Poems (53)

Title Comments
Title Comments
Eyes Of Hazel One 6
Each New Day 16
The Tomorrow Dream 43
What See You 19
Nirvana (Haiku) 13
Sonnet 3 21
The Poetry Of Time 33
Mirrored Souls 33
My Open Broken Heart 20
Passing Thoughts 16
Sonnet 1 19
Ode To My Love 17
Angel With Butterfly Wings 20
A Conversation in Appreciation 13
Miranda's Song 14
The Sarasota Blues 27
Highku 22
Tripping Stream of Consciousness 35
Along The River's Breath 51
Sometimes... 37
Transport 34
Love Never Knows 39
SuSpence's Dream 33
Ode to the Beatles (acrostic challenge) 18
The Generation Who Sold The World 30
Christine 24
Glenn Beck (Haiku) Compilation 32
The Tragic Tale of Alejandro Vega 56
Ballad of the Lost Man 32
Gulf of Fire (Haiku) 34
Fade to White 34
Ugly World 53
Searchin' for Love 26
Lost am I 28
Shards of Me 27
The Sadness, 10
The New Moon 18
I Imagine, 13
Lovesick, Lonesome Blues 11
Beautiful Poet 10
The Morning Sun 5
A Question for Love 13
Realm of Delusion 26
Simply Thoughts of You 9
Caught Staring 6
The Edge of the Headlands 3
In My Mind... 15
Thoughts of Natalia 14
A New Path 10
Daydream 12
Gone is my Sunshine 17