My Open Broken Heart


My Open Broken Heart

Never have I known a love which helped me rise so high above
The sadness void of gladness as accomplished recently by she
I surmised that I would die alone, but a falling sinking stone
Until you came ascending, bending space and time 'til we collide
Emotions going flowing in throughout my open broken heart
No longer closed exposed this very day for all the world to see
Slithering across my pain now withering, you're crawling back again
Kissing, carressing, blessing me while loving, smiling with your eyes
However many ways you phrase 'I love you' sets my heart ablaze
A fire burning, churning, rapidly melting all my pains debris
Our only obstacle is time, together over we will climb
Close your eyes and you'll forsee, so happy our days will be
Since the day it came to pass you found the combination at last
To open up my broken heart, please know i've loved  you from the start

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Olan01 commented on My Open Broken Heart


This is a great poem, spoken for your heart and an instant classic. Love, peace and freedom, Olan

phatdaddee commented on My Open Broken Heart


Loved the rhythm of this poem. When a poem flows so smoothly it makes it so much easier for the reader to follow. Keep up the good work.

Hampton commented on My Open Broken Heart


Expression that comes from the heart. Well done.....................Hampton

Kanicki commented on My Open Broken Heart


Spence wishing you a love that liberates an open broken heart; flowing freely as your poetic words; a love that blankets every part of your being healing all that is broken and yet unfulfilled. Beautiful passionate and resonating poetry.

AmadeusEx commented on My Open Broken Heart


so smooth, i never had to breathe once, just fell into it, exquisite write spence

Poetry is finer and more philosophical than history; for poetry expresses the universal, and history only the particular.

Aristotle (384 BC-322 BC) Greek philosopher.

SuSpence’s Poems (53)

Title Comments
Title Comments
Eyes Of Hazel One 6
Each New Day 16
The Tomorrow Dream 43
What See You 19
Nirvana (Haiku) 13
Sonnet 3 21
The Poetry Of Time 33
Mirrored Souls 33
My Open Broken Heart 20
Passing Thoughts 16
Sonnet 1 19
Ode To My Love 17
Angel With Butterfly Wings 20
A Conversation in Appreciation 13
Miranda's Song 14
The Sarasota Blues 27
Highku 22
Tripping Stream of Consciousness 35
Along The River's Breath 51
Sometimes... 37
Transport 34
Love Never Knows 39
SuSpence's Dream 33
Ode to the Beatles (acrostic challenge) 18
The Generation Who Sold The World 30
Christine 24
Glenn Beck (Haiku) Compilation 32
The Tragic Tale of Alejandro Vega 56
Ballad of the Lost Man 32
Gulf of Fire (Haiku) 34
Fade to White 34
Ugly World 53
Searchin' for Love 26
Lost am I 28
Shards of Me 27
The Sadness, 10
The New Moon 18
I Imagine, 13
Lovesick, Lonesome Blues 11
Beautiful Poet 10
The Morning Sun 5
A Question for Love 13
Realm of Delusion 26
Simply Thoughts of You 9
Caught Staring 6
The Edge of the Headlands 3
In My Mind... 15
Thoughts of Natalia 14
A New Path 10
Daydream 12
Gone is my Sunshine 17