Hathor4Wine’s Profile

  • Age: 47
  • Location: Upstate NEW YORK, NC
  • Gender: Female
  • Country: US
  • Public Profile URL:




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ajz1966 profile comment


I can only reiterate what others have said. You have a great body of poetry and I could not find one to comment on so I'm putting this blanket comment on the profile. All your poems are great and your unique styling make them all the more your own and something special.

knight4696 profile comment


Hi H4W - I didn't know you were on this site too! I met you on WTL - Nice to see you here! Ken

kadinan profile comment


i couldn't pick which one to comment on b/c i enjoyed everything i read. i like the style in which you write - i think you're very talented.

cagle64 profile comment


Hello 2 u hope u r well

markrohaley profile comment



Poetry is not a turning loose of emotion, but an escape from emotion.

T. S. Eliot (1888-1965) American-English poet and playwright.

Hathor4Wine’s Poems (91)

Title Comments
Title Comments
sudden shivers 0
use of words 0
per se 0
pioneer 0
the quest 0
wide awake 0
welcome to cheap dates 0
crawling for candy 1
all made up 0
necessary diversities 0
burial ground 1
I apologize 2
beyond this 1
my rhyme or reason 1
a replica 3
I stand beside 2
imperial revolution 1
what I do know is... 3
a split tongue 1
a slight of step 1
a once a year occasion 2
a death 1
that amazing light 2
the eye in question 1
my crowded wall 3
no facsimile 2
a vision 2
before I am consumed 2
Compunction 1
essential 1
gewgaw 0
to be a better vine 1
passed by 1
criminal 3
soul burn 5
Thrilled 2
eyes to see 1
poker night 2
a hidden silence 1
you unfinished 4
deep-diving 1
600 mile void 0
untitled love 1
said and done 1
is it warm enough? 1
a song bird fate 2
sad bird 1
and so 3
to my friend 1
untitled 1
Hello to Myself 1
in plain view 1
half note 2
your neighbor 1
to those who forget... 2
that day will come 3
all eyes on you 3
Bella Claire 0
a mirror's poor reflection 1
dirt 2
within reach for now 0
red dawn surfacing 1
how close... 1
pictures do say more 2
forget not 0
I've missed it 3
all is forgiveness 4
it bounced back 4
figure eights 2
My Dancing Queen 3
more to go on 3
off its axis 2
glazed 5
flip side 3
easy now... 3
untimely 3
ignorance 3
exposure 6
one more time 0
inside out 1
queen of denial 3
another 180 degrees 2
and we must 1
It's Always You Too 2
The Cult of "Education" 5
only to return 2
hollywood entrapment 6
not so unseen now 4
Look! No Guard Rails! 4
you just made my day 2
Plenty Of It 3