A New Job
Finding a job can be tuff,
Now the country is in the dumpster,
I had it good, Best of times,
Didn't need anything, I had it all,
Then one day it was gone,
My accountant now owns his own island,
So resumes here, Apps there, No job in sight,
Can't even sling hash, No arches or kings,
No "would you like fries with that",
Finally found my calling, Not a CEO again or a MGR.,
Who needs a title to survive,hold on a sec.,
Gotta run, Bottle and rag in hand,
I see another dirty windshield..........
2/25/09 Richard(Phoenix)Cartledge (c)
Now the country is in the dumpster,
I had it good, Best of times,
Didn't need anything, I had it all,
Then one day it was gone,
My accountant now owns his own island,
So resumes here, Apps there, No job in sight,
Can't even sling hash, No arches or kings,
No "would you like fries with that",
Finally found my calling, Not a CEO again or a MGR.,
Who needs a title to survive,hold on a sec.,
Gotta run, Bottle and rag in hand,
I see another dirty windshield..........
2/25/09 Richard(Phoenix)Cartledge (c)
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