Destiny's door
It's hard to put into words, A feeling, A momentary loss of tenderness,
What do we have to show for it, A life, We have a life,
What do we do with it, Do we crash and burn, run around,
Consumed by the flames until we fall to the ground,
Rolling around trying to put them out,
Or at least wait for a good rain,
Then what do you have left, A steaming pile of a life,
A life that didn't realize all could be attained by following a path,
Considering all paths join in the end, the one you take is your choice,
But what if, What if all we felt, The power of a thought,
The strength in what we really believe in, the knowledge we want,
A single heartbeat, One thought, A deep breath,
Multiply this by the tens of thousands, Stand back,
One tear shed with a single touch of the mind,
A thought so true we can and will open a door,
One that is unknown to all, yet exists,
Waiting for the day we will finally find it,
to fulfill what we call our DESTINY....
2/7/2009 Richard(phoenix)Cartledge (c)
What do we have to show for it, A life, We have a life,
What do we do with it, Do we crash and burn, run around,
Consumed by the flames until we fall to the ground,
Rolling around trying to put them out,
Or at least wait for a good rain,
Then what do you have left, A steaming pile of a life,
A life that didn't realize all could be attained by following a path,
Considering all paths join in the end, the one you take is your choice,
But what if, What if all we felt, The power of a thought,
The strength in what we really believe in, the knowledge we want,
A single heartbeat, One thought, A deep breath,
Multiply this by the tens of thousands, Stand back,
One tear shed with a single touch of the mind,
A thought so true we can and will open a door,
One that is unknown to all, yet exists,
Waiting for the day we will finally find it,
to fulfill what we call our DESTINY....
2/7/2009 Richard(phoenix)Cartledge (c)
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