If it's not nonsense, What is it ?If we give it meaning, Will it follow us home ?
Can we keep it ? Do we have to feed it ?
And just what is IT ?
When we sense impending doom,
Do we duck and hide, Maybe it will go away ?
Or do we stand up and take it ?
When we find it, Will we know how to use it ?
Or do we just stand in the middle of the road ?
Waiting to get hit,
If we question life, The meaning of life, From the source,
Will we be pleased with the answers or just remorse ?
Only to carry on as if, Regretting every bit,
The standards fly in the wind,
Pointing in so many directions,
Do we know which ones to follow ?
Will we enjoy the trip enough to do it again,
Would we follow the same path again ?
If there are so many ifs and whens,
Where can we possibly go ? And why?????
Richard E. Cartledge ? Phoenix
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