Sometimes people only hear what they want to hear,
They do what they want to do, No matter what,
Sometimes a life isn't a life, It's an excuse to take up space,
Somewhere morals have flown out the window,
Common sense took leave of the senses,
Left you behind trying to see through the dust,
When it all settles what do you have left,
Do you stare at the walls, trying to see if you are there,
Can you find yourself in all the empty space,
Can you fill all the empty places you left behind,
Will you ever again be able to open your eyes, your mind,
Does anyone here know what this is all about,
Does anyone really care, Do feelings really exist,
Do you know what I mean........
4/29/09 Richard(PHOENIX)Cartledge (c)
They do what they want to do, No matter what,
Sometimes a life isn't a life, It's an excuse to take up space,
Somewhere morals have flown out the window,
Common sense took leave of the senses,
Left you behind trying to see through the dust,
When it all settles what do you have left,
Do you stare at the walls, trying to see if you are there,
Can you find yourself in all the empty space,
Can you fill all the empty places you left behind,
Will you ever again be able to open your eyes, your mind,
Does anyone here know what this is all about,
Does anyone really care, Do feelings really exist,
Do you know what I mean........
4/29/09 Richard(PHOENIX)Cartledge (c)
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