So Careless
It's a heartless wonder to be,....So Careless,
It's an unsober rendition of life,
A clumsy attempt at retribution,
To fumble and fail in life,
Dropping all responsibility out of sight.
So Careless,
You walk in life with pitfalls,
False hopes, Never thinking,
Brick walls spring up in front of you,
Stopping you dead in your tracks!
So Careless, So Hopeless, So Wrong...
3/8/84 Richard(Phoenix)Cartledge (c)
It's an unsober rendition of life,
A clumsy attempt at retribution,
To fumble and fail in life,
Dropping all responsibility out of sight.
So Careless,
You walk in life with pitfalls,
False hopes, Never thinking,
Brick walls spring up in front of you,
Stopping you dead in your tracks!
So Careless, So Hopeless, So Wrong...
3/8/84 Richard(Phoenix)Cartledge (c)
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