I see visions before my eyes when they are opened or closed,
I have dreams day and night of you, that inspire me to do right,
Even though we haven't met , I trust what I feel for you,
We have talked, and we both sense what time holds for us,
I have given you my heart, I have given you my love,
Meanings and intentions have joined us forever,
In a word we have fallin in love, One I will not abandon,
But one that will test time, For you are the only one for me,
I see no other, or will I ever, Life needs find only one as does love,
Strength in the bond that will not break, As we write our own vows,
Vows we will live by and renew each day written on our hearts,
With visions of love I see you, In my heart and in my dreams,
I will not let you go, But hold on to you, For my love is that strong,
You have given me strength, You have given me your heart,
I will be your strength, my loving embrace will hold you,
I will not fail you, I will not lose you, I will always love you....
Richard E. Cartledge Phoenix
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