Camel on Ice
As the passenger liner approached the glaciers of alaska,
All onboard were topside with camera's ,oh what a sight,
But woe was below, For Hump the camel was sick,
He ate his keepers food, For that he couldn't keep down,
His keeper, Mort by name was in a tizzy, What could he do,
He tried pink stuff, white and blue, Nothing worked,
Yet hump still spewed, Making the deck slick,
With this brew and that, Mort raced to Hump,
but tragedy struck when he hit the slick,
This went here, that went there,
And the big pot of something,Flew up in the air ,
Hitting hump so hard a bump did swell,
His eyes crossed, his tongue stuck out,
This cure did work, Yet the patient did Die,
Mort got up to look at Hump, took his pulse,
Oh my what will I do. So he paced all night,
By morning what a sight. tourist above saying bye,
As glaciers were left behind, Yet in the distance,
A iceberg they did spy, Something brown inside,
Yet all they could say was, I see Russia from here!!!!
2/7/2009 Richard(phoenix)Cartledge (c)
DPS Challenge
dueling poets society at large
All onboard were topside with camera's ,oh what a sight,
But woe was below, For Hump the camel was sick,
He ate his keepers food, For that he couldn't keep down,
His keeper, Mort by name was in a tizzy, What could he do,
He tried pink stuff, white and blue, Nothing worked,
Yet hump still spewed, Making the deck slick,
With this brew and that, Mort raced to Hump,
but tragedy struck when he hit the slick,
This went here, that went there,
And the big pot of something,Flew up in the air ,
Hitting hump so hard a bump did swell,
His eyes crossed, his tongue stuck out,
This cure did work, Yet the patient did Die,
Mort got up to look at Hump, took his pulse,
Oh my what will I do. So he paced all night,
By morning what a sight. tourist above saying bye,
As glaciers were left behind, Yet in the distance,
A iceberg they did spy, Something brown inside,
Yet all they could say was, I see Russia from here!!!!
2/7/2009 Richard(phoenix)Cartledge (c)
DPS Challenge
dueling poets society at large
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