She stood there on the cliff, Overlooking the ocean,A tear formed and rolled down her cheek,
She watched it as it fell to the ground,
She looked up slowly, Knowing it was time to begin,
Her lips parted to form a single note,
At first the sound was so low and soft,
Serene and peaceful with a touch of sadness,
I stood across from her and watched, Listened,
The note grew stronger, As if the world was awakening for the first time,
And gently the octave changed, One single note, so pure and true,
Reached out to be heard everywhere,
Every octave was so subtle and comforting it filled you with a feeling of peace,
As did the next note and the next, The intensity grew stronger,
She looked at me then, Sadly, Tears welling up in her eyes,
I came to her and held her hand, She trembled slightly,
And continued on as the note so pure climbed another octave,
A higher decibel,
I held both her hands now, looking deep into her eyes,
Letting her know it was okay,
With my hands holding hers, the note she sang took on a new meaning to me,
New feelings I've never felt coursed through my being on a level I didn't know existed,
As long as I held onto her, I knew she would protect me,
I looked around to see what effect her song was having,
A small laugh escaped as the world around us shimmered and glowed,
Swimming in my vision not quite as tangible as before,
I felt the intensity grow stronger with more power, more purpose,
As she reached higher with each note,
Till she reached the Perfect pitch, She held it so pure and true,
I smiled at her, Knowing this is what she came here to do,
One final song, one ultimate note, One judgement, One Final Act,
I kissed her gently on the forehead, Goodbye.
And the final note ended................................
Richard E. Cartledge PHOENIX (c)
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